Dale Rimmer

Principal Agent, Rimmer Insurance

Years as a camper: 10 years

Years as a staff member/positions held: 5 summers as a unit leader, head male

Current profession and title/years in role: Principal Agent, Rimmer Insurance – 23 years

Can you provide a brief overview of your job responsibilities? 
I manage and lead a successful team protecting client needs and assets.

Do you have any career advice for members of our Camp community?
Network – develop relationships with as many people as possible.

What do you believe have been some of your greatest personal and professional accomplishments? Is there a goal you are currently working on?
Growing my business, strengthening my team and enjoying life every day.

How do the values or skills you learned at Camp show up in your everyday work and/or personal life?
Kanata taught me self-confidence, leadership, good judgment and commitment.

Is there a personal or situation that had a big influence on you while you were at Camp? How and why did they/it impact you?
I was a co-counselor in the Ranger Unit and made some awesome relationships.

What advice would you give your younger self?
Soak up as much as you can in life every day.

Favorite Camp meal: Chicken sandwiches

Favorite dining hall or flagpole song: Five Charging Buzzards

All-time favorite skit memory: Putting a jet ski in the lake for a skit.

Favorite evening program at Camp: Unit night and game shows

Devotion you best remember from Camp: The Giving Tree

If you had an intro song when you walked into a room what would it be? Eastbound and Down

What three words best describe you? Independent, hard-working and passionate.

What profession other than your own would you like to try? Buying and flipping residential and commercial properties.

What would you each if you could only have one food for the rest of your life? Cheeseburgers and French fries.

Dale Rimmer