Dylan Stoneham

Instructional Designer

Years as a Camper: I spent eight summers as a camper and trainee.

Years as a Staff Member/Positions held: I spent eight years doing a little bit of everything - cabin counselor, housekeeping and groundskeeping, Day Camp Coordinator, Camper Services Coordinator, and Program Director.

Current Profession and Title/Years in role: I’ve been an instructional designer for five years - previously with a training consultant and currently with Red Hat.

Can you provide a brief overview of your job responsibilities? 

I’m a learning and enablement consultant, partnering with various business units to identify performance gaps and business needs along with potential solutions. I specialize in interactive learning design, custom video production and change management. 

Do you have any career advice for members of our Camp community? 

Don’t stop learning and growing!

What do you believe have been some of your greatest personal and professional accomplishments? 

I had the opportunity to design a training simulation course and change management plan for a regional bank adopting a new transaction system in more than 600 branches.

I also led a team of local volunteers to raise a gross total of over $223,000 for Ducks Unlimited as the Raleigh Chapter Area Chairman in FY21.

How do the values or skills you learned at Camp show up in your everyday work and/or personal life? 

Camp Kanata is a unique place where people truly practice what they preach. The learning that transcends Camp activities and programs is what makes it so special. Things like the importance of diversity, practicing empathy, working with others, taking initiative, how to lead, problem-solving, critical thinking, how to lend a hand, public speaking, accountability, organizational skills, doing things you don’t want to do, and so much more. Nothing will enable you to practice patience like putting socks and shoes on wet, sandy feet at the waterfront when it’s 95 degrees. 

The values and skills I learned at Camp consistently show up in my everyday work and personal life, because they have become fundamental to who I am as a person.

Is there a person or a situation that had a huge influence on you while you were at Camp? How and why did they/it impact you? 

There are way too many people to name. The people make the place. Among great friends and people to look up to, I met my spouse at camp. She has had the most profound impact on me.

What advice would you give your younger self? 

Day Camp Rule #4 - “Try everything and do your best!” Trying new things is the key to learning and growing, so take initiative and get your hands dirty. Try your best in all you do, and you’ll thank yourself later. 

Favorite Camp meal? Chicken sandwiches by a mile

Favorite dining hall or flagpole song? Rare Bog

All-time favorite skit memory? Charles Disney/Nick Dishler "smooth and creamy"

Favorite evening program at Camp? Closing Campfire

Devotion you best remember from Camp? Stargazing after Closing Campfire

What profession other than your own would you like to try? Big toss-up between a shrimp boat captain and Willie Nelson’s harmonica player

Dylan Stoneham