Emily Wilson

Business Analyst at BASF

Years as Camper:

I started in 2008 as a Daisy in cabin 5 (when Cabin 5 was still a Daisy cabin) but spent 9 years total as a camper!

Years as a Staff Member/ Positions held: 
2017: Cabin 16 
2018: Cabin 17 
2019: Cabin 18 (Unit Leader) (Honor Counselor) 
2020: Covid Summer Day Camp Counselor/ CILT Coordinator (sorta) 

Current Profession and Title/Years in role:  

Business Analyst at BASF- I only recently started in this new role, but I have spent a total of a year and a half at BASF in other departments.

Can you provide a brief overview of your job responsibilities?

I started off in Marketing and just recently transitioned to a new role working in Business Operations. My job focuses on our sales programs and fulfillment needs for the US Agricultural Solutions sector of BASF. 

Do you have any career advice for members of our Camp community?

Some career advice I have for the camp community is never be afraid to reach out to someone regarding a job you're applying for! Networking is a huge component of landing a great job and luckily Camp creates a strong sense of community that allows you to have network connections all around the nation. There are so many people in the Camp network that could be utilized for future careers!

What do you believe have been some of your greatest personal and professional accomplishments? Is there a goal toward which you are currently working?

This role is my first job since graduation from N.C. State in the Spring of 2022. As far as professional accomplishments go, I am beyond grateful for all of the projects I have been able to assist with and all the people who are helping me along my journey in starting my career! A personal accomplishment was spending two weeks in Europe last year. I was able to visit 5 countries along the way! Traveling is my passion so it was such a wonderful experience to be able to have the opportunity to go on such an anticipated adventure. 

How do the values or skills you learned at Camp show up in your everyday work and/or personal life?

Camp taught me how to connect with people with all different backgrounds. It helped me break out of my comfort zone and build interpersonal communication skills that I am still utilizing today. My time at camp gave me the confidence not only to be a leader but how to lead with integrity and personal growth in mind. This showed up particularly when I served as Unit Leader for the Angels during the 2019 summer. That summer (so far) has been one of my favorites and holds some of my most fond camp memories. It led me to have life long friends, trained me in stressful situations and provided me with a strong sense of self. 

Is there a person or a situation that had a huge influence on you while you were at Camp? How and why did they/it impact you?

The 2019 Hilton Unit was full of my favorite people! We had such a great dynamic within the entire unit that allowed us to grow a strong bond as counselors. I feel like the bond we all shared allowed us to connect with our campers as well which made  that whole summer AMAZING! We rocked it and our campers had an amazing time! 

What advice would you give your younger self?

I would tell my younger self  the best is yet to come through all the wonderful friends you make along the way! Just be patient and it will all work out the way it is supposed to!

What three words best describe you?

Thoughtful, Compassionate, Intentional 

What is your favorite camp memory? 

I have an extensive list of favorite camp memories but one consistent aspect of Camp I always enjoyed are the sunsets over the lake! It brings me so much peace and allows me to take in the quiet times of Camp.

Emily Wilson